Thursday, September 25, 2008


The most difficult part of a design project is to explain. Oh god! I have my ideas deep in my mind, but I just can not translate them into a language (especially English). Forgive me.

When thinking about a concept, I always keep my objective in mind.

"Enhance people’s understanding of forgetfulness to change their negative feelings towards forgetfulness into being slightly more relaxed and forgiving."

The key words are "understanding" and "change", which I immediately relate to "informational" and "interactive", "awaken" and "action".

I am so afraid of the word "concept". No matter how many times I try, people still do not think my "concepts" are concepts. Let me try one more time.

As I rewrote and re-considered my proposal, I realized I have mentioned two "concepts".

1. Metaphor of forgetfulness. Basically, I will use metaphor to explain the mechanism of forgetfulness and its related things such as retrieval failure so that it is not boring, hopefully. This approch is more scientific.

2. Evoke an echo of people's experience. Simply, it is experience share, to discover the interesting, humorous, and "lovely" aspects of forgetfulness. This is quite similar to the thesis.

However, in my proposal I discuss these two together as if they are bonded. I believe that a design can achieve both of them. In this sense, maybe they are not even concepts? Are they too specific? Let me try again.

1. Forgetfulness and forgiveness. Troubles caused by forgetting things are not intentional, and we commonly have ever had. Should not we be more forgiving to forgetfulness?

2. Abnormal psychology. I am not sure if that is what I mean, but Kessels Kramer does a lot of such designs like Hans Brinker Budget Hotel. Since this project is about "negative" to "positive", when over emphasizing "negative", people will shift to "positive". Humour is the most important role in this concept.

3. Compare and contrast. What are the similaities between two forgetful people? What are the differences between a forgetful person and a remindful one? What are the similarities and differences between forgetting your best friend's birthday and forgetting your dog's? It can be something "stupid". It is mainly about experience share.

I hope at least one of my five "concepts" is a real concept. Thanks!

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